You may have noticed your online experience with Bayley Jordan Photography recently got a HUGE upgrade. I cannot tell you enough how much I love the new Bayley Jordan Photography website!
I began working on this project back in April of 2021 with the help of a stunning design from Tonic. Anyone who knows me knows my attention to detail and devotion to ensuring any project is just right. After a year of image swapping, rewrites, and revisions, the new website is finally here. And effectively inviting my ideal clients around the world to explore my services!
As I worked on the website, most often I found myself asking: “What would a portrait photography website look like inspired by my love of the great outdoors as well as the sophisticated atmospheres found in pretty City museums/high-end travel magazines?” I hope you agree my website is a space where seekers of beauty/lovers of the great outdoors can come together, capturing the most magical moments in life.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that this website wouldn’t have been complete without final touches. Photographers Erica + Jon and my dear friend Yasmin Tajik at Shalimar Studios: thank you for spectacular photos for my business during our branding sessions!
To my family, friends, past clients, and loyal readers: thank you for your support and encouragement. You help make each and every day a wonderful adventure!

Interested in a site as beautiful as this? You can use my affiliate code BAYLEYJORDAN to get 20% off a stunning new look.
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